Basic Polynomial Algebra Subprograms (BPAS)  v. 1.791
4 //#include "Polynomial/mpolynomial.h"
5 #include "../ring.h"
6 #include "../Utils/TemplateHelpers.hpp"
7 #include "../Utils/SymbolHelpers.hpp"
8 #include "BPASTriangularSet.hpp"
9 //#include "../RegularChain/regularchain.hpp"
10 //#include "../RegularChain/zerodimensionalregularchain.hpp"
11 #include <iostream>
13 using std::endl;
14 using std::cerr;
16 extern long long unsigned int rcProfilingStart;
17 extern float primitivePartTime;
18 extern float squareFreePartTime;
19 extern float subresultantChainTime;
20 extern float zerodimensionalregularchainTime;
21 extern float pseudoDivideTime;
22 extern float normalFormTime;
24 extern float tsCopyTime;
26 //template <class Field, class RecursivePoly> RegularChain;
28 /**
29  * An enumeration which describes the mode of the triangular set.
30  * TS_FIXED is the ALGEBRAIC case, forces a fixed list of variables, determinining the maximum size of the TS.
31  * TS_VARIABLE is the DIFFERENTIAL case, allows the list of variables, hence size of the TS, to change.
32  **/
33 typedef enum TriangularSetMode {
34  TS_FIXED = 0x0,
35  TS_VARIABLE = 0x1
36 } TriangularSetMode;
38 /**
39  * A triangular set templated by a multivariate polynomial over a field.
40  * The field should be a BPASField and the multivariate polynomial should
41  * be recursively viewed, as in BPASRecursivelyViewedPolynomial.
42  */
43 template <class Field, class RecursivePoly>
44 class TriangularSet : public virtual BPASTriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>
45 {
47  protected:
48  TriangularSetMode mode; // fixed or variable TS structure
49  mpz_class characteristic; // characteristic of the TS (inherited from base Field)
50  std::vector<RecursivePoly> set; // the set of polynomials
51  std::vector<Symbol> vars; // list of active and inactive algebraic variables
52  std::vector<Symbol> algVars; // list of active algebraic variables
53  std::vector<Symbol> trcVars; // list of transcendental variables (cannot appear in polynomials)
54  Symbol sNMaxVar; // max variable of largest strongly normalized subset of the TS
55  // TODO: remove stronglyNormalized attribute and compute it when needed using sNMaxVar
56  bool stronglyNormalized; // flag whether the TS is strongly normalized
58  /**
59  * Determine whether the triangular set is strongly normalized and the maximum variable
60  * of the largest strongly normalized subset of the triangular set.
61  *
62  * @param
63  **/
64  void updateTriangularSetStates();
66  /**
67  * Determine whether after adding p the triangular set is strongly normalized and update the maximum variable
68  * of the largest strongly normalized subset of the triangular set.
69  *
70  * @param p: a recursively viewed polynomial that has just been added to the set
71  **/
72  void updateTriangularSetStates(const RecursivePoly& p);
74  /**
75  * Return the index of the input symbol in the array of (potentially algebraic) variables of the triangular set.
76  *
77  * @param s: a symbol
78  **/
79  int variableIndex(const Symbol& s) const;
82  public:
83  /**
84  * Default constructor: creates an empty triangular set of variable size
85  * with empty list of transcendentals
86  *
87  * @param
88  **/
91  /**
92  * Construct an empty triangular set of fixed size in the s decreasingly ordered
93  * variables given by xs with empty list of transcendentals.
94  *
95  * @param xs: The variable names
96  **/
97  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const std::vector<Symbol>& xs);
99  /**
100  * Construct an empty triangular set of fixed size in the s decreasingly ordered
101  * variables given by xs and list of transcendentals given by ts.
102  *
103  * @param xs: The variable names
104  * @param ts: The transcendental variable names
105  **/
106  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const std::vector<Symbol>& xs, const std::vector<Symbol>& ts);
108  /**
109  * Construct a variable triangular set containing p, such that the variables of p are treated as (potentially algebraic) variables,
110  * with empty list of transcendentals.
111  *
112  * @param p: The recursively viewed polynomial to add
113  **/
114  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const RecursivePoly& p);
116  /**
117  * Construct a variable triangular set containing p, such that the variables in ts are
118  * treated as transcendental, while any remaining variables of p are treated as (potentially algebraic) variables.
119  *
120  * @param p: The recursively viewed polynomial to add
121  * @param ts: The transcendental variable names
122  **/
123  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const RecursivePoly& p, const std::vector<Symbol>& ts);
125  /**
126  * Copy constructor.
127  *
128  * @param a: A triangular set
129  **/
132 // /**
133 // * Copy constructor
134 // *
135 // * @param a: A regular chain
136 // **/
137 // TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const RegularChain<Field,RecursivePoly>& a);
139 // /**
140 // * Copy constructor
141 // *
142 // * @param a: A zero dimensional regular chain
143 // **/
144 // TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const ZeroDimensionalRegularChain<Field,RecursivePoly>& a);
146  /**
147  * Move constructor.
148  *
149  * @param a: An r-value triangular set
150  **/
153 // /**
154 // * Move constructor
155 // *
156 // * @param a: An r-value regular chain
157 // **/
158 // TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (RegularChain<Field,RecursivePoly>&& a);
160 // /**
161 // * Move constructor
162 // *
163 // * @param a: An r-value zero dimensional regular chain
164 // **/
165 // TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (ZeroDimensionalRegularChain<Field,RecursivePoly>&& a);
167  /**
168  * Computational constructor: creates a triangular set given all the data.
169  *
170  * @param vs: rvalue reference to variables of the triangular set
171  * @param avs: rvalue reference to algebraic variables of the triangular set
172  * @param tvs: rvalue reference to transcendental variables of the triangular set
173  * @param polys: rvalue reference to polynomials of the triangular set
174  * @param tsm: whether the triangular set is variable or fixed
175  * @param c: characteristic of the triangular set
176  **/
177  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> (const std::vector<Symbol>&& vs, const std::vector<Symbol>&& avs, const std::vector<Symbol>&& tvs, const std::vector<RecursivePoly>&& ts, TriangularSetMode tsm, const mpz_class& c);
179  /**
180  * Deconstructor.
181  *
182  * @param
183  **/
186 // /**
187 // * Copy an object derived from abstract BPASTriangularSet class to type of current object
188 // *
189 // * @param ts: triangular set to copy
190 // **/
191 // inline void copy(const BPASTriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& ts) override {
192 // if (dynamic_cast<const TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>*>(&ts))
193 // *this = *dynamic_cast<const TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>*>(&ts);
194 // else throw (std::invalid_argument("BPAS: Cannot cast BPASTriangularSet to TriangularSet."));
195 // }
197  /**
198  * Tests if the TriangularSet is empty.
199  *
200  * @param
201  **/
202  bool isEmpty() const;
204  /**
205  * Tests if the polynomial is constant relative to the TriangularSet, i.e., whether it is and element of
206  * the Field or its only variables are transcendental.
207  *
208  * @param p: a recursively viewed polynomial
209  **/
210  bool isConstantPolynomial(const RecursivePoly& p) const;
212  /**
213  * Assignment operator =.
214  *
215  * @param a: A triangular set
216  **/
219  /**
220  * Assignment operator =.
221  *
222  * @param a: A triangular set
223  **/
226  /**
227  * Move assignment operator =.
228  *
229  * @param a: A triangular set
230  **/
233  /**
234  * Move assignment operator =.
235  *
236  * @param a: A triangular set
237  **/
240  /**
241  * Add operator +.
242  * Adds a polynomial to a triangular set and returns a new triangular set.
243  *
244  * @param p: A recursively viewed polynomial
245  **/
246  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly> operator+ (const RecursivePoly& p);
248  /**
249  * Add assignment operator +=.
250  * Adds a polynomial to a triangular set.
251  *
252  * @param p: A recursively viewed polynomial
253  **/
254  TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& operator+= (const RecursivePoly& p);
256  /**
257  * Identity operator ==.
258  *
259  * @param a: A triangular set
260  **/
261  bool operator== (const TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& a) const;
263  /**
264  * Negated identity operator !=.
265  *
266  * @param a: A triangular set
267  **/
268  bool operator!= (const TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& a) const;
270  /**
271  * Get the number of variables.
272  *
273  * @param
274  **/
275  inline int numberOfVariables() const {
276  return vars.size();
277  }
279  /**
280  * Get the size of the triangular set.
281  *
282  * @param
283  **/
284  inline int size() const {
285  return algVars.size();
286  }
288  /**
289  * Get the number of algebraic variables.
290  *
291  * @param
292  **/
293  inline int numberOfAlgebraicVariables() const {
294  return algVars.size();
295  }
297  /**
298  * Get the number of transcendental variables.
299  *
300  * @param
301  **/
302  inline int numberOfTranscendentalVariables() const {
303  return trcVars.size();
304  }
306  /**
307  * Get the variable names in decreasing order.
308  *
309  * @param
310  **/
311  inline std::vector<Symbol> variables() const {
312  return vars;
313  }
315  /**
316  * Get the algebraic variables.
317  *
318  * @param
319  **/
320  inline std::vector<Symbol> mainVariables() const {
321  return algVars;
322  }
324  /**
325  * Get the transcendentalVariables variables.
326  *
327  * @param
328  **/
329  inline std::vector<Symbol> transcendentalVariables() const {
330  return trcVars;
331  }
333  /**
334  * Get the list of variables followed by the transcendental variables.
335  *
336  * @param
337  **/
338  std::vector<Symbol> allVariables() const;
341  /**
342  * Determine if the input variable s is algebraic, i.e., if the triangular set
343  * contains a polynomial with s its as leading variable.
344  *
345  * @param s: the input variable
346  **/
347  inline bool isAlgebraic(const Symbol& s) const {
348  if (std::find(algVars.begin(),algVars.end(),s) != algVars.end())
349  return true;
350  else
351  return false;
352  }
354  /**
355  * Return true if the triangular set is strongly normalized, i.e., the initals of all polynomials
356  * are in the Field; return false otherwise.
357  *
358  * @param
359  **/
360  inline bool isStronglyNormalized() const {
361  return stronglyNormalized;
362  }
364  /**
365  * Get the vector of polynoials in the triangular set.
366  *
367  * @param
368  **/
369  inline std::vector<RecursivePoly> polynomials() const {
370  return set;
371  }
373  /**
374  * Return the dimension of the triangular set (understood in terms of the space of (potentially algebraic) variables).
375  *
376  * @param
377  **/
378  inline int dimension() const {
379  return (vars.size() - algVars.size());
380  }
382  /**
383  * Return the dimension of the triangular set lower(v) (understood in terms of the space of (potentially algebraic) variables).
384  *
385  * @param
386  **/
387  inline int dimensionLower(Symbol v) const {
388  if (!isAMemberOf(v,vars)) {
389  return 0;
390  }
391  int vi(variableIndex(v)),varsSize(vi),algVarsSize;
392  varsSize = vars.size() - 1 - varsSize;
393  for (int i=0; i<algVars.size(); ++i) {
394  if (variableIndex(algVars[i])>vi)
395  algVarsSize++;
396  }
397  return (varsSize - algVarsSize);
398  }
400  /**
401  * Return the codimension of the triangular set (understood in terms of the space of (potentially algebraic) variables).
402  *
403  * @param
404  **/
405  inline int codimension() const {
406  return algVars.size();
407  }
409  /**
410  * Test to determine whether the triangular set can be treated as zero dimensional, i.e., whether the triangular set
411  * becomes zero dimensional when all non-algebraic variables are removed and whether the polynomial p contains only
412  * algebraic variables.
413  *
414  * @param p: a recursively viewed polynomial
415  * @param p: (optional) flag to exclude the main variable of p when determining whether it contains only algebraic variables (default false)
416  **/
417  bool canComputeInDimensionZero(const RecursivePoly& p, bool excludeMainVariable = false) const;
419  /**
420  * Test to determine if only algebraic variables (aside from transcendentals) appear in the polynomials of the triangular set.
421  *
422  * @param
423  **/
424  bool isZeroDimensionalMathematically() const;
426  /**
427  * Select a polynomial given the leading variable;
428  * if no such polynomial, 0 is returned.
429  *
430  * @param x: The leading variable name
431  **/
432  RecursivePoly select(const Symbol& s) const;
434  /**
435  * Replace each polynomial of the triangular set with its primitive part.
436  *
437  * @param
438  **/
439  void makePrimitive();
441  /**
442  * Returns the triangular set consisting of polynomials with
443  * main variable strictly less than s.
444  *
445  * @param s: symbol of the main variable of specified element of the triangular set
446  * @param ts: The returned triangular set
447  **/
448  void lower(const Symbol& s, BPASTriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& ts) const;
450  /**
451  * Returns the triangular set consisting of polynomials with
452  * main variable strictly greater than s.
453  *
454  * @param s: symbol of the main variable of specified element of the triangular set
455  * @param ts: The returned triangular set
456  **/
457  void upper(const Symbol& s, BPASTriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& ts) const;
459  /**
460  * Cut an input triangular set at the symbol v, returning the subchain below v, the polynomial with main variable v and the subchain above v.
461  *
462  * @param T: a triangular set
463  * @param v: a symbol
464  * @param Tlv: the subchain of T below v
465  * @param Tv: the recursively viewed polynomial with main variable v, if it exists
466  * @param Tgv: the subchain of T above v
467  **/
470  /**
471  * Cut the current object at the symbol v, returning the polynomial with main variable v and the subchain above v.
472  *
473  * @param v: a symbol
474  * @param Tv: the recursively viewed polynomial with main variable v, if it exists
475  * @param Tgv: the subchain of the current object above v
476  **/
477  void cutChain(const Symbol& v, RecursivePoly& Tv, TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& Tgv) const;
479  /**
480  * Cut the current object at the symbol v, returning the subchain below v and the polynomial with main variable v.
481  *
482  * @param v: a symbol
483  * @param Tlv: the subchain of the current object below v
484  * @param Tv: the recursively viewed polynomial with main variable v, if it exists
485  **/
486  void cutChain(const Symbol& v, TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& Tlv, RecursivePoly& Tv) const;
488  /**
489  * Pseudo division: return the pseudo-remainder, the pseudo-quotients and
490  * c such that c*p = ∑(q_i T_i) + r.
491  *
492  * @param p: an input recursively viewed polynomial
493  * @param quo: (optional) the array of quotients
494  * @param c: (optional) the constant multiplied to the input polynomial
495  **/
496  RecursivePoly pseudoDivide (const RecursivePoly& p, std::vector<RecursivePoly>* quo=NULL, RecursivePoly* c=NULL) const;
498  /**
499  * Return the normalForm of the input polynomial modulo the triangular set in the sense of Groebner basis
500  *
501  * @param p: innput recursively viewed polynomial
502  * @param Q: (optional) the array of quotient
503  **/
504  RecursivePoly normalForm(const RecursivePoly& p, std::vector<RecursivePoly>* Q=NULL) const;
506  /**
507  * Reduce the input polynomial modulo the triangular set.
508  *
509  * @param p: input recursively viewed polynomial
510  **/
511  RecursivePoly reduce(const RecursivePoly& p) const;
513  /**
514  * returns r such that c*r = p modulo sat(T) such that
515  * c has no algebraic variables, and c is returned as an input parameter.
516  *
517  * @param p: input recursively viewed polynomial
518  * @param c: returned value of the content of p modulo sat(T)
519  * @param usePrimitiveFactorization: (optional) whether to use primitive factorization to compute c (default true)
520  * @param onlyInDimZero: (optional) only perform the reduction if the canComputeInDimensionZero(p) is true (default false)
521  **/
522  RecursivePoly reduce(const RecursivePoly& p, RecursivePoly& c, bool takeMainPrimitivePart = false, bool onlyInDimZero = false) const;
524  /**
525  * Generate a random triangular set polynomial based on its number of terms.
526  *
527  * @param variables: variables of the triangular set
528  * @param algVar: index of the algebraic variable
529  * @param transcendentalVariables: transcendental variables of the triangular set
530  * @param nTerms: number of terms in the polynomial
531  * @param coefBound: maximum size of the coefficients
532  * @param pSparsity: sparsity of the polynomial
533  * @param includeNeg: whether to include negative coefficients
534  **/
535  RecursivePoly randomTriangularSetPolynomial(std::vector<Symbol> variables, int algVar, std::vector<Symbol> transcendentalVariables, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg);
537  /**
538  * Generate a random triangular set polynomial based on its maximum degrees in its variables.
539  *
540  * @param variables: variables of the triangular set
541  * @param algVar: index of the algebraic variable
542  * @param transcendentalVariables: transcendental variables of the triangular set
543  * @param maxDegs: vector of maximum degrees among the set of variables
544  * @param coefBound: maximum size of the coefficients
545  * @param pSparsity: proportional sparsity of the polynomial
546  * @param includeNeg: whether to include negative coefficients
547  **/
548  RecursivePoly randomTriangularSetPolynomial(std::vector<Symbol> variables, int algVar, std::vector<Symbol> transcendentalVariables, std::vector<int> maxDegs, unsigned long int coefBound, double pSparsity, bool includeNeg);
550  /**
551  * Generate a random triangular set based on the number of terms of its polynomials.
552  *
553  * @param nVars: number of variables
554  * @param nAlgVars: number of algebraic variables
555  * @param nTrcVars: number of transcendental variables
556  * @param nTerms: number of terms in the polynomial
557  * @param coefBound: maximum size of the coefficients
558  * @param pSparsity: sparsity of the polynomial
559  * @param includeNeg: whether to include negative coefficients
560  **/
561  void randomTriangularSet(int nVars, int nAlgVars, int nTrcVars, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg);
563  /**
564  * Generate a random strongly normalized triangular set based on the number of terms in its polynomials.
565  *
566  * @param nVars: number of variables
567  * @param nAlgVars: number of algebraic variables
568  * @param nTrcVars: number of transcendental variables
569  * @param nTerms: number of terms in the polynomial
570  * @param coefBound: maximum size of the coefficients
571  * @param pSparsity: sparsity of the polynomial
572  * @param includeNeg: whether to include negative coefficients
573  **/
574  void randomStronglyNormalizedTriangularSet(int nVars, int nAlgVars, int nTrcVars, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg);
576  /**
577  * Display the triangular set.
578  *
579  * @param
580  **/
581  void display();
583  /**
584  * Overload stream operator << for triangular sets.
585  *
586  * @param out: Stream object
587  * @param a: A triangular set
588  **/
589  inline friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const TriangularSet<Field,RecursivePoly>& a) {
590  bool isNotFirst = 0;
591  out << "[";
592  for (int i = 0; i < a.set.size(); ++i) {
593  if (!a.set[i].isZero()) {
594  if (isNotFirst) { out << ", "; }
595  out << a.set[i];
596  isNotFirst = 1;
597  }
598  }
599  out << "]";
600  return out;
601  }
603  /**
604  * Convert a triangular set to an expression tree (array of its polynomials).
605  *
606  * @param
607  **/
609  if (!set.size()) {
610  ExprTreeNode* node = new ExprTreeNode(EXPR_ARRAY, NULL, NULL, NULL);
611  return ExpressionTree(node);
612  }
613  else {
614  std::vector<RecursivePoly> tsp;
615  for (int i=0; i<set.size(); ++i) {
616  if (!set[i].isZero())
617  tsp.push_back(set[i]);
618  }
619  ExpressionTree t;
620  t.fromVector<RecursivePoly>(tsp);
621  return(t);
622  }
623  }
624 };
626 #endif
A triangular set templated by a multivariate polynomial over a field.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:44
bool isEmpty() const
Copy an object derived from abstract BPASTriangularSet class to type of current object.
std::vector< Symbol > variables() const
Get the variable names in decreasing order.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:311
bool canComputeInDimensionZero(const RecursivePoly &p, bool excludeMainVariable=false) const
Test to determine whether the triangular set can be treated as zero dimensional, i.e., whether the triangular set becomes zero dimensional when all non-algebraic variables are removed and whether the polynomial p contains only algebraic variables.
std::vector< RecursivePoly > polynomials() const
Get the vector of polynoials in the triangular set.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:369
ExpressionTree convertToExpressionTree() const
Convert a triangular set to an expression tree (array of its polynomials).
Definition: triangularset.hpp:608
void display()
Display the triangular set.
TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > & operator+=(const RecursivePoly &p)
Add assignment operator +=.
std::vector< Symbol > allVariables() const
Get the list of variables followed by the transcendental variables.
int codimension() const
Return the codimension of the triangular set (understood in terms of the space of (potentially algebr...
Definition: triangularset.hpp:405
int numberOfVariables() const
Get the number of variables.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:275
void upper(const Symbol &s, BPASTriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &ts) const
Returns the triangular set consisting of polynomials with main variable strictly greater than s...
bool operator==(const TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &a) const
Identity operator ==.
int dimension() const
Return the dimension of the triangular set (understood in terms of the space of (potentially algebrai...
Definition: triangularset.hpp:378
An ExpressionTree encompasses various forms of data that can be expressed generically as a binary tre...
Definition: ExpressionTree.hpp:17
TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > & operator=(const TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &a)
Assignment operator =.
int numberOfTranscendentalVariables() const
Get the number of transcendental variables.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:302
bool isStronglyNormalized() const
Return true if the triangular set is strongly normalized, i.e., the initals of all polynomials are in...
Definition: triangularset.hpp:360
TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > operator+(const RecursivePoly &p)
Add operator +.
void makePrimitive()
Replace each polynomial of the triangular set with its primitive part.
RecursivePoly reduce(const RecursivePoly &p) const
Reduce the input polynomial modulo the triangular set.
RecursivePoly randomTriangularSetPolynomial(std::vector< Symbol > variables, int algVar, std::vector< Symbol > transcendentalVariables, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg)
Generate a random triangular set polynomial based on its number of terms.
RecursivePoly select(const Symbol &s) const
Select a polynomial given the leading variable; if no such polynomial, 0 is returned.
int dimensionLower(Symbol v) const
Return the dimension of the triangular set lower(v) (understood in terms of the space of (potentially...
Definition: triangularset.hpp:387
bool isAlgebraic(const Symbol &s) const
Determine if the input variable s is algebraic, i.e., if the triangular set contains a polynomial wit...
Definition: triangularset.hpp:347
void lower(const Symbol &s, BPASTriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &ts) const
Returns the triangular set consisting of polynomials with main variable strictly less than s...
bool isZeroDimensionalMathematically() const
Test to determine if only algebraic variables (aside from transcendentals) appear in the polynomials ...
RecursivePoly pseudoDivide(const RecursivePoly &p, std::vector< RecursivePoly > *quo=NULL, RecursivePoly *c=NULL) const
Pseudo division: return the pseudo-remainder, the pseudo-quotients and c such that c*p = ∑(q_i T_i) ...
void randomTriangularSet(int nVars, int nAlgVars, int nTrcVars, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg)
Generate a random triangular set based on the number of terms of its polynomials. ...
void fromVector(const std::vector< ExpTreeConvert > &ringVec)
Fill this expression tree with the vector of BPASRing elements specified.
Definition: ExpressionTree.hpp:180
int numberOfAlgebraicVariables() const
Get the number of algebraic variables.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:293
An abstract class defining the interface of a triangular set.
Definition: BPASTriangularSet.hpp:14
void cutChain(const TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &T, const Symbol &v, TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &Tlv, RecursivePoly &Tv, TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &Tgv) const
Cut an input triangular set at the symbol v, returning the subchain below v, the polynomial with main...
An encapsulation of a mathematical symbol.
Definition: Symbol.hpp:23
void randomStronglyNormalizedTriangularSet(int nVars, int nAlgVars, int nTrcVars, int nTerms, unsigned long int coefBound, int pSparsity, bool includeNeg)
Generate a random strongly normalized triangular set based on the number of terms in its polynomials...
bool isConstantPolynomial(const RecursivePoly &p) const
Tests if the polynomial is constant relative to the TriangularSet, i.e., whether it is and element of...
RecursivePoly normalForm(const RecursivePoly &p, std::vector< RecursivePoly > *Q=NULL) const
Return the normalForm of the input polynomial modulo the triangular set in the sense of Groebner basi...
ExprTreeNode is a single node in the bianry tree of an ExpressionTree.
Definition: ExprTreeNode.hpp:76
std::vector< Symbol > transcendentalVariables() const
Get the transcendentalVariables variables.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:329
int size() const
Get the size of the triangular set.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:284
std::vector< Symbol > mainVariables() const
Get the algebraic variables.
Definition: triangularset.hpp:320
bool operator!=(const TriangularSet< Field, RecursivePoly > &a) const
Negated identity operator !=.