Basic Polynomial Algebra Subprograms (BPAS)  v. 1.791
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBigPrimeFieldA prime field whose prime can be arbitrarily large
 CBPASBasePolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of polynomial over an arbitrary BPASRing
 CBPASEuclideanDomainAn abstract class defining the interface of a Euclidean domain
 CBPASEuclideanPolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a polynomial ring which is also a Euclidean domain
 CBPASFieldAn abstract class defining the interface of a field
 CBPASFieldOfFractionsAn abstract class defining the interface of a field of fractions
 CBPASFiniteFieldAn abstract class defining the interface of a prime field
 CBPASGCDDomainAn abstract class defining the interface of a GCD domain
 CBPASGCDPolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a polynomial ring which is also an GCD domain
 CBPASGCDPolynomialTesterVia conditional inheritance, determine if the ground ring template parameter Ring is a GCD domain or not
 CBPASIntegralDomainAn abstract class defining the interface of an integral domain
 CBPASIntegralPolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a polynomial ring which is also an integral domain
 CBPASIntegralPolynomialTesterVia conditional inheritance, determine if the ground ring template parameter Ring is an integral domain or not
 CBPASMultivariatePolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a multivariate polynomial over an arbitrary BPASRing
 CBPASPolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a polynomial over an arbitrary BPASRing
 CBPASRationalFunctionAn abstract class defining the interface of a rational function
 CBPASRecursivelyViewedPolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a multivariate polynomial that can be viewed recursively
 CBPASRegularChainAn abstract class defining the interface of a regular chain
 CBPASRingAn abstract class defining the interface of a commutative ring
 CBPASTriangularSetAn abstract class defining the interface of a triangular set
 CBPASUnivariatePolynomialAn abstract class defining the interface of a univariate polynomial over an arbitrary BPASRing
 CBPASZeroDimensionalRegularChainAn abstract class defining the interface of a zero-dimensional regular chain
 CComplexRationalNumberAn arbitrary-precision complex rational number
 CDenseUnivariateIntegerPolynomialA univariate polynomial with Integer coefficients using a dense representation
 CDenseUnivariatePolynomialA univariate polynomial with arbitrary BPASField coefficients represented densely
 CDenseUnivariateRationalPolynomialA univariate polynomial with RationalNumber coefficients represented densely
 CDistributedDenseMultivariateModularPolynomialA multivariate polynomial with coefficients in an arbitrary finite field represented densely
 CExpressionTreeAn ExpressionTree encompasses various forms of data that can be expressed generically as a binary tree with data elements connected by operators
 CExpressionTreeConvertAn interface defining conversion of a class to an ExpressionTree
 CExprTreeNodeExprTreeNode is a single node in the bianry tree of an ExpressionTree
 CExprTreeValExprTreeVal is the data element of a ExprTreeNode
 CFactorA Factor is a pair of a BPASRing element and an integer exponent
 CFactorsA simple data structure for encapsulating a collection of Factor elements
 CFractionA field of fractions templated by an arbitrary BPASGCDDomain
 CGeneralizedFermatPrimeFieldA finite field whose prime should be a generalized fermat number
 CIntegerAn arbitrary-precision Integer
 CIntervalData Structure for interval [a, b]
 CIntervalsInterval lists for real roots of multivariate polynomials
 CRationalNumberAn arbitrary-precision rational number
 CRegularChainA class for handling regular chains of arbitrary dimension
 CSLPRepresentationAn element of the SLP of a rational number polynomial
 CSLPZRepresentationAn element of the SLP of an integer polynomial
 CSmallPrimeFieldA prime field whose prime is 32 bits or less
 CSmallPrimeFieldDistributedDenseMultivariateModularPolynomialA multivariate polynomial with coefficients in a small prime field using a dense representation
 CSmartFractionA field of fractions templated by an arbitrary BPASGCDDomain making use of factor refinement
 CSparseMultivariateIntegerPolynomialA multivariate polynomial with Integer coefficients using a sparse representation
 CSparseMultivariateRationalPolynomialA multivariate polynomial with RationalNumber coefficients represented sparely
 CSparseUnivariateDoublePolynomialA univariate polynomial with numerical coefficients represented sparsely
 CSparseUnivariateMPComplexPolynomialA univariate polynomial with multi-precision complex coefficients represented sparsely
 CSparseUnivariatePolynomialA sparsely represented univariate polynomial over an arbitrary ring
 CSparseUnivariateTempFieldPolyA univariate polynomial over an arbitrary BPASField represented sparsely
 CSparseUnivariateTempPolyA univariate polynomial over an arbitrary BPASRing represented sparsely
 CSymbolAn encapsulation of a mathematical symbol
 CTriangularSetA triangular set templated by a multivariate polynomial over a field
 CUnivariateRationalFunctionA univariate rational function templated by a unvariate polynomial over a field
 CZeroDimensionalRegularChainA class for handling regular chains in dimension zero